
The great region of Ste-Agathe is made up of many municipalities: Ste-Agathe-des-Monts,
Ste-Agathe-Nord, St-Adolphe d'Howard, Ivry-sur-le-Lac and the municipalities
of Lantier and Ste-Lucie can be considered to be part of this region.
The heart of this region is made up of two municipalities well woven together:
Ste-Agathe-des-Monts and Ste-Agathe-Sud. So well woven together that they eventually merged.
But for visitors, these administrative
divisions have no importance: we come to Ste-Agathe for our vacations!
This region has all the touristic facilities and Ste-Agathe has the experience of welcoming
many generations of tourists and week-enders. Whatever your needs, Ste-Agathe can fulfill them
right on the spot. Hostelry and restaurants are a fine tradition in Ste-Agathe.
The railway is dead in Ste-Agathe? No problem! We renovated the train station and the railway
has been transformed into a unique biking and hiking trail in North America. The result of one of the best
touristic concertation in the Laurentians, the linear Park of "Le p'tit Train du Nord"
passes through dozens of villages all along its 200 km path. You can access it very easily directly from
Ste-Agathe, at the old railway station, with all the means available: snowmobile and cross country
skiing in winter, biking and hiking during the other seasons. This Park is probably
one of the best touristic attractions of the Laurentians.
In this great region, sports and winter activities are as important as the summer activities.
L'Hiver en Nord, great festival of winter in Ste-Agathe, will make you appreciate
the splendours of winter. Summer brings lots of activities: beaches, swimming,
seadoo, boating, sailing, biking, hiking, and more...
Whatever you do in the great region of Ste-Agathe, we can assure you that you will
be delighted. And be back!

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